Step 1: To create a category, log in with your admin user at After Login, select the "Edit Categories" option in the "News" menu:

Step 2: After selecting this menu item, on the right will be displayed the category table belonging to your app. Once this is done, we will click the "NEW" button to create new news.

Step 3: To create a Category, we need to complete the form shown above, the fields "Name", "Parent Category", "Description", "Color". The name will be the name defined to the category, in "Parent Category" we define as "- None -" (remembering that a category can not be its parent at any moment), and we fill the other fields according to preference.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to click the "SAVE" button to finalize the creation of news. Ready, our category was created successfully! - If you have any further questions, our support team is available to assist you through opening Tickets on our Freshdesk platform.